Akhmed Tamim
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian Muslims took part in Peace marches
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The head of DUMU met with the envoy of Pope
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine spoke at an international conference in Cairo
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine urged not to call terrorist groups “The Islamic state”
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Akhmed Tamim: The spread of religion among the masses is a necessary and effective weapon to confront and defeat terrorism
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Holodomor victims of 1932-1933 was honored in Kiev
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian Parliament expressed the honor to Mufti of Ukraine Sheikh Akhmed Tamim
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Akhmed Tamim: Ukraine is a wise country, because it prevented a split of a state and bloodshed as it was in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Bosnia
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Akhmed Tamim: Appreciate what you have, before it becomes what you had
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Turchynov visited DUMU on an official visit
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Turchynov was warned about the dangers of The Muslim Brotherhood
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Egyptian diaspora in Kiev celebrated Eid al-Adha
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Muslims in Ukraine celebrated Eid al-Adha
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Holiday fair at the Ar-Rahma mosque
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The holiday prayer was organized in the Ar-Rahma mosque
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Al-Azhar University and DUMU to implement an egreement on cooperation in the field of education and science
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine is a participant of the roundtable on the Ukrainian-Russian relations
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Day of Knowledge was celebrated at The Ar-Rahma Mosque
Ukraine in Arabic | Day of Knowledge at The Al-Irshad School in Kiev, Ukraine
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Minaret Newspaper of Religious Administration of Ukrainian Muslims celebrates 20th anniversary
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine Sheikh Akhmed Tamim appealed to Ukrainian people on the occasion of Independence Day
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Petro Poroshenko congratulated the Mufti of Ukraine Sheikh Akhmed Tamim on the Independence Day
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine met a delegation from Malaysia
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian Muslims celebrate the end of fasting
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | An official iftar was held in Zaporozhye
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | A ceremonial iftar was held in Poltava
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | A ceremonial iftar was held in Nikolaev
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | A delegation from the Al-Azhar University came to Ukraine for Ramadan
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | An official iftar was organized at the Ar-Rahma mosque
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The celebration of the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad was conducted in Kiev
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The head of DUMU met with the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Mawlid in The Ar-Rahma mosque (foto)
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The inhabitants of Kiev celebrated Mawlid
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The delegation of DUMU visited Egypt
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian theologians demand to return the subject of ethics to schools
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The event devoted to the senior generation took place in Kiev
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine visited Brussels
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The delegation of DUMU visited Palestine
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Festive meal in honor of the completion of the fasting
Communities in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Holiday dinner in honor of the completion of the fasting
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Kiev Muslims made the holiday prayer
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Mufti of Ukraine took part at the graduation of the officers
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | The Al-Isra and Al-Mi'raj held in the Ar-Rahma Kiev mosque
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Mufti of Ukraine expressed condolences on deportation of the Crimean Tatars
Islam in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Azerbaijani delegation met with the Mufti of Ukraine
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