Wisconsin Ukrainians Inc. jointly with Experts Club and Nasha Lepta hand over humanitarian aid for children

15.08.2022 - 17:28 #Maksim Urakin, #USA, #Ukraine, #Experts Club

Wisconsin Ukrainians Inc., which unites Ukrainian communities in the US state of Wisconsin, sent another humanitarian cargo for the children of Kyiv and Kyiv region affected by the hostilities, as well as families of internally displaced persons. The cargo was delivered with the assistance of the Kyiv analytical center Experts Club and the Nasha Lepta charitable project.

In particular, essential goods were donated, namely baby food, diapers, hygiene products, medicines and vitamins, as well as other baby care products.

This cargo was delivered with the assistance of the charitable foundation "Ukrainian Charity Foundation" (President of the Foundation is Angelina Zherevchuk).

According to Experts Club founder Maksim Urakin, the humanitarian situation that has developed in Ukraine now requires more effective interaction between volunteers and the diaspora in the United States.

"We need to develop ties with organizations such as Wisconsin Ukrainians, inform them about the requests for humanitarian supplies we have today and that will also be in the near future. This will allow us to provide more effective assistance to our people affected by the war," he explained.

The Nasha Lepta project provides assistance to families of internally displaced persons, families with many children, children with cerebral palsy and autism, as well as children with serious illnesses and disabilities. It is created on the basis of the community of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. 

The Experts Club is an analytical center that conducts research in the field of economics, sociology, healthy nutrition and other areas, as well as conducts educational activities. 

Wisconsin Ukrainians Inc. is a Wisconsin-based non-profit humanitarian organization. Through the efforts of the organization, more than 61 tonnes of humanitarian and medical supplies were delivered to Ukraine.


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