Ukraine in Arabic | British hostage appeared in IS video
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Peshmerga fighters and Syrian opposition to save Kobani
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Street battles continue in Tripoli
Ukraine in Arabic | Israeli minister: We saved the president of Palestine from overthrowing
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Kurds of Kobani to collaborate with Peshmergas
Ukraine in Arabic | Mysterious relations between Turkey and United States
Ukraine in Arabic | Citizens of UK start to join IS
Ukraine in Arabic | Canada to bring the 6-pack Strategy to Iraq
Ukraine in Arabic | Iran attends to join UN-fight against IS
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey to allow Kurds across its territory to fight in Kobani
Ukraine in Arabic | United States to help Syrian Kurds with weapon
Ukraine in Arabic | Libyan PM: Military intervention is only a partial solution os IS threat
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | IS militants training pilots in captured jets
Ukraine in Arabic | US: Kobani may fall to IS
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Nearly 600 civilians were killed in Kobani
Ukraine in Arabic | The anti-IS coalition is ready to long-term fight
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Syrian Kurds regain the part of Kobani
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Iraqi minister: We don’t need any foreign military forces at our territory
Ukraine in Arabic | US don’t plane to save Kobani
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey allowed to US air base use
Ukraine in Arabic | IS can use Ebola virus against Europe
Ukraine in Arabic | Canada to join US-led coalition against ISIL
Ukraine in Arabic | Conflict at Middle East can influence global oil prices
Ukraine in Arabic | The ISIL started to threaten Turkey
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkish Kurds hold protests calling for more help for Kobani
Ukraine in Arabic | Missiles from battle between ISIL and Syrian Kurds hit Turkish house
Ukraine in Arabic | ISIL raise their flag over Syrian border town
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | IS set to claim Kobani
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey can join the ground operation against IS
Ukraine in Arabic | Kurds don’t believe in anti-IS coalition
Ukraine in Arabic | IS looks for publicity to provoke the Western powers
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey backs operations in Syria and Iraq
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey votes joining war on IS
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey to start military actions against IS
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | US attacked Islamic State targets in Syria
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Netanyahu: Hamas and Islamic State are equivalent
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Islamic State to form an alliance with the Jabhat al-Nusra
Ukraine in Arabic | Australian PM: Australia will join the US-led attack on IS targets in Iraq
Ukraine in Arabic | IS to prepare terrorist acts in US and Paris metros
Ukraine in Arabic | British PM: Airstrikes on IS are in national interest
Ukraine in Arabic | French tourist was beheaded by Algerian militants
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey suffers from incredible number of refugees
Ukraine in Arabic | UN: The problem of world terrorism concerns the whole world
Ukraine in Arabic | Mysterious Turkey-IS relations
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | IS used chemical weapons against the Iraqi army
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