Ukraine in Arabic | David Cameron to meet Iran’s President to discuss Isis threat
Ukraine in Arabic | Iran to collaborate with anti-ISIL coalition
Ukraine in Arabic | The Chinese army conducted military exercises against IS
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey threatened by the influx of Syrian Kurds
Ukraine in Arabic | European Parliament cuts all material and financial resources of the IS
Ukraine in Arabic | Iran expresses doubt about efficiency of anti ISIL coalition
Ukraine in Arabic | Anti-ISIL coalition to show USA commitment to Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Iranian President: Anti-ISIL coalition it’s a kind of joke
Ukraine in Arabic | Barack Obama is talking about the U.S is going to send troops to fight Islamic State
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Britain is cautious to fight with IS after beheading of journalists
Ukraine in Arabic | States will meet in France to discuss anti-Isis global strategy
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Russia is against the United States military actions in Syria
Ukraine in Arabic | Obama claims a broad coalition to fight Islamic State militants
Ukraine in Arabic | Arab League: ISIS threatens the whole world
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey to fight the militants IS together with the international community
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Western and Arab countries unite to fight militants IS
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | UK and US forces go on the offensive against IS militants
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | IS to create a state in Syria
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | More than one thousand people were killed in Iraq last month
Ukraine in Arabic | Another war on women by Islamic State
Ukraine in Arabic | United States extend the military action in the Middle East
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Pentagon: We attempted a rescue operation to free American hostages in Syria
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | USAF launches a new series of air strikes on rebels’ positions in Iraq
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