Crimean Armenians Fight in Karabakh with the Help of Collaborators from “Seilem” Gang
UN plans to allocate $ 165 million to Ukraine to fight coronavirus pandemic
EU will try to stop flow of illegal cigarretes from Ukraine
Middle East
The end of the Israeli occupation of Palestine would be the key to weakening ISIS, - Abbas
Ukraine in Arabic | Chechen joined the Ukrainian ranks in the Donbas
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | US will start up programs to train Syrian rebels
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | The fight in Yemen, operation of the Arabian coalition
Ukraine in Arabic | Russia: gun battles in Chechnya leave dozens dead
Ukraine in Arabic | Russia: gun battles in Chechnya leave dozens dead
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | US to deploy more troops to help Iraq
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Iraqi Kurdistan needs military support to fight with IS
Ukraine in Arabic | American politicians want to provide military support to Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | UN resources not enough to fight Ebola
Ukraine in Arabic | Iran attends to join UN-fight against IS
Ukraine in Arabic | The anti-IS coalition is ready to long-term fight
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey allowed to US air base use
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukraine: Separatists storm Donetsk airport
Ukraine in Arabic | Heavy fighting for Donetsk airport
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey backs operations in Syria and Iraq
Ukraine in Arabic | Barack Obama is talking about the U.S is going to send troops to fight Islamic State
Ukraine in Arabic | Turkey to fight the militants IS together with the international community
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian army blocked the way of Luhansk militants to the border with Russia
Communities in Ukraine
Ukraine in Arabic | Round table devoted to the fight against xenophobia, racism and chauvinism
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