Ukraine needs transparent eneregy exchange, - PM Groysman

06.03.2017 - 14:58 #Ukraine, #Energy, #Transparency
Groysman also mentioned that PJSC UkrGasVydobuvannya has been operating on the energy exchange since 2016 under a relevant government decision

Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman says Ukraine needs to create an energy exchange where imported and domestically produced coal will be sold under transparent market conditions, according to the TSN news service "We need to create a completely transparent coal market. Our task is to establish an energy exchange where both imported and domestic coal would be sold under market conditions. It is fundamentally important to us," the prime minister told Inter TV channel, TSN said.

Groysman also mentioned that PJSC UkrGasVydobuvannya has been operating on the energy exchange since 2016 under a relevant government decision.

As reported earlier, Ukraine's Energy and Coal Industry Ministry predicted that in March 2017, stocks of anthracite, which is in low supply and shipped only to DTEK-owned Luhanska thermal power plant in the town of Schastia in Luhansk region as a result of a trade blockade in the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone, would shrink by 43.9%, to 513,100 tonnes.

Source: UNIAN

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