Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian forces destroy militant aircraft fleet

27.01.2015 - 14:39 #Ukraine, #Russian aggressor
Ukrainian military spokesman confirms destruction of militant planes and helicopters

Kiev/Ukraine in Arabic/  Ukrainian military spokesman confirms destruction of militant planes and helicopters. Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko has reported 27 January that Ukrainian military forces have destroyed around a dozen military airplanes and helicopters in the possession of militants in east Ukraine - has reported Ukraine Today.

"We haven't shot the aircraft down. Planes and helicopters have been destroyed while on the ground on the territory of an east Ukrainian airfield which has been seized by militants. The operation was carried out in order to prevent militant forces from using these aircraft. Everything we have identified has been neutralized. If we identify further militant aircraft we will neutralize it also," Lysenko commented during his daily press briefing in Kyiv.

Earlier in January 2015, representatives of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic announced that they had acquired aircraft and proclaimed the creation of an airforce consisting of serveral military jets. 

Ukraine in Arabic

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