Ukraine in Arabic | Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Crimean Tatar flag

On June 26, in Kiev will be held a series of events dedicated to the Day of the Crimean Tatar flag, this day, Ukraine will celebrate the huge banner.

Kiev/ Ukraine in Aabic/ On June 26, in Kiev will be held a series of events dedicated to the Day of the Crimean Tatar flag, this day, Ukraine will celebrate the huge banner.

In Kiev at 19.00 in the Park named after Taras Shevchenko deployed the largest in Ukraine of the Crimean Tatar national flag, informs Radio Svoboda

The other day to the Day of the Crimean Tatar flag Ukrainian volunteers also took the video "Two flags - one country", which symbolizes the unity of the Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar peoples.

Recall that the Occupying Russian authorities three times refused to conduct activities for the Day of the Crimean Tatar flag on June 26 in Simferopol. Therefore, the Majlis asked the Crimean Tatars on the Peninsula to celebrate this day, raising the national flag at home or attaching to the car.

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