Ukraine in Arabic | Rally birthday Shevchenko was held in Simferopol (Crimea)

In the Russian-occupied Crimea in Simferopol rally birthday of the great poet and activist Shevchenko . But law enforcement authorities reacted very negatively to this mitig. Considered unauthorized, and Ukrainian symbols " a manifestation of extremism

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ Tomorrow the court will examine the issue of unauthorized organization of the meeting. Participants in Simferopol, dedicated to the birthday of Taras Shevchenko, was released from police.  Activists were held at the district police station three and a half hours. According to one of the detainees, the applicant of the meeting Leonid Kuzmin, in the Department he was interrogated and made the arrest.

"I think that the reason for the detention was the fact that we launched the Ukrainian symbolism," said the activist. He added that the police want to bring him to justice in connection with the fact that his actions fall under Art. 20 of the code of administrative offences of the Russian violation of the established order of organization or holding of a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picket. The meeting Rail of the district court in this case will be held on March 10.

Together with Kuzmin, were also detained Simferopol Alexander Kravchenko and Validar Shumardii. Last, leaving the plot unfolded in front of journalists of the Ukrainian flag, and said that, according to the police, is extremism.

As reported Корреспондент.net today in the Crimea detained five people, the protesters Kanem March 9, at the monument to Taras Shevchenko.

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