Ukraine in Arabic | Military instructors from Israeli and US train Ukrainian forces

Month-long military program focuses on counter-terrorism training and rescue operations

Kiev/ Ukraine in arabic/ Military instructors from the US, Israel, and Georgia have been training Ukrainian troops who will form part of a Special Forces battalion. The month-long program focused on counter terrorism training, combat, and rescue operations. Most of the Ukrainian troops come from towns and cities located in insurgent-occupied territory.

Before the conflict in east Ukraine, many of them were law enforcement officers. One of the military trainers talked about the recent developments in the Ukrainian military.

David, Trainer from Georgia:"We had the same old uniforms as (you guys), the same support, the same tactics. But now I see Ukraine has new uniforms, new weapons, which are Ukraine-made. And I see US paratroopers have come to Lviv. These are the new reforms."

Meanwhile, Ukrainian and US soldiers have begun one of their biggest ever joint military training exercises in the region of Lviv.

At least 300 US paratroopers, many of whom have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, are taking part in the program, which is called ‘Fearless Guardian-2015.'

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