Rouhani called Trump a dummy in politics

01.02.2017 - 12:35 #Trump, #Critique, #Offense
He also said that Trump would end up harming not only his own nation but other countries as well

Iran's state TV is reporting that President Hassan Rouhani has lashed out at the recent executive order by U.S. president Donald Trump to suspend immigration and visa processes for nationals from seven majority-Muslim countries, including Iran.

Rouhani described Trump and his administration as newcomers who don't understand politics, saying, "A man had been living in another world and now has entered the world of politics."

Rouhani also said that Trump would end up harming not only his own nation but other countries as well.

Rouhani called the American administration dishonest for claiming to be on the side of the Iranian people, but then banning them.

Read this article in russian.

Source: Associated Press

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