Poroshenko consider needed deployment of UN peacekeepers in Donbas

15.05.2017 - 08:30 #Donbas, #Poroshenko, #UN peacekeepers
Poroshenko said at a press conference in Kyiv on Sunday

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko insists on the deployment of UN peacekeeping forces in occupied Donbas, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

"I would very much like that my idea of introducing peacekeepers be supported. The militants were frightened when they saw that the idea of peacekeepers began to find support. Therefore, they organized an OSCE car blast, resulting in an American observer, a paramedic, died," Poroshenko said at a press conference in Kyiv on Sunday.

As reported early, on April 23, the vehicle of the OSCE SMM patrol blew up on a mine near the village of Pryshyb, controlled by "LPR" militants. An unarmed American monitor was killed in a blast, while another two monitors – from Germany and the Czech Republic – were injured.

Source: UNIAN

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