Jordan welcomes US President's decision not to move embassy to Jerusalem

02.06.2017 - 14:36 #Jordan, #Decision, #Emassy, #Encourage
In his opinion decision reflects a deep understanding of the sensitivity of this situation

Jordan on Friday welcomed the US President Donald Trump's decision not to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and praised his commitment to working to reach a peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications and Government Spokesman Mohammed Al Momani said that the decision reflects a deep understanding of the sensitivity of this situation and contributes to creating a suitable environment to relaunch successful peace talks, according to Jordan News Agency.

The minister noted His Majesty King Abdullah II statements during his meeting with Trump in Washington recently, in which he underlined the importance of the US role in ending the conflict and creating stability and peace in the Middle East.

Trump's decision, the minister affirmed, highlights the US Administration's respect to its partners' views.

The decision was an "important and wise step", the minister said, while adding it would enhance peacemaking efforts.


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