In the United States a contract was signed for the production of Javelin missile systems for Ukraine

Ukraine and other countries was concluded with the US Department of Defense with Ratheon

The US Department of Defense has signed a contract with Ratheon for the production of Javelin anti-tank systems for the US Army, Ukraine and other countries

The contract for the production of Javelin anti-tank missile systems for the US Army, Ukraine and other countries was concluded with the US Department of Defense with Ratheon. This is stated in a press release on the agency’s website.

The total amount of the contract is $ 18.4 million. Production should be completed before June 25.

In addition to Ukraine, Australia, Georgia, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Qatar, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Turkey, France, the Czech Republic and Estonia should receive Javelin complexes.

Source: Liga

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