Chinese authorities banned muslim names

25.04.2017 - 14:21 #Muslims, #Ban, #China, #Names
Under the ban were such traditionally popular among Muslims around the world names like Islam, Jihad, Saddam, Medina, Hajj, Imam and the Kora

The Chinese authorities claimed the struggle against "extremism", which will be aggresively bring to reality. Thus, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, populated mainly by Muslims, were forbidden to give names to children with religious significance.

Under the ban were such traditionally popular among Muslims around the world names like Islam, Jihad, Saddam, Medina, Hajj, Imam and the Koran. As noted in the Chinese government, it is now forbidden to give children names with an obviously religious meaning. Recall that the authorities of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the majority of whose population are ethnic Uighurs, actually declared war on Muslims and Islam.

So, for example, now the inhabitants of the region are forbidden to wear "abnormally" correct beards.

Read this article in russian.


مشاركة هذا المنشور:
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