Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Abbas wants to establish the Palestinian state within 3 yers
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Schools in Gaza have reopened following the recent Israeli/Hamas conflict
Ukraine in Arabic | Syrian rebels released Fijian peacekeepers
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Will the crimes of the Israeli authorities in the Gaza Strip be investigated?
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | UN peacekeepers released from captivity
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: Ukraine highly appreciates the efforts of the Egyptian diplomacy
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Prince Salman vows to save al-Aqsa mosque from Israel
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Hamas agrees to Palestinian state on '67 lines'
Ukraine in Arabic | American journalist was beheaded by ISIS
Ukraine in Arabic | Netherlands: Israel must be punished for war crimes against Gaza
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Palestinians start to return to their pre-war life
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Islamists captured more than 40 peacekeepers in Syria
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Israel and Hamas clinched a long-lasting ceasefire
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Egypt calls for open-ended Gaza cease-fire
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | Israel and Palestine to continue talks about long-term truce
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | The peace treaty between Israel and Palestine will be signed after 5 days
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | 344 children born in UNRWA shelters during Israeli assault
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | The uneasy truce between the Gaza Strip and Israel depends on negotiations in Cairo
Voice of Palestine
Ukraine in Arabic | 1416 tons of supplies entered Gaza Strip through Rafah during assault
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Death toll passes 100 as Israel continues Gaza assault
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Israel to 'resist international pressure' over Gaza
Ukraine in Arabic | Ukrainians crowdfund to raise cash for 'people's drone' to help outgunned army
Middle East
Ukraine in Arabic | Two Palestinians killed as Israel searches for teens in West Bank
Middle East
Ukraine in arabic | Palestinian unity government sworn in by Mahmoud Abbas - News of Ukraine
Middle East
Israeli settler vandalizes church in Jerusalem
Ukraine in Arabic | Israeli attack on palestinian buildings in Gaza on november 2012
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