Ukraine in Arabic | “Triplex system” of future

We don’t need to return to the far history of epoch of feudal system, which was based on religious, capitalistic or politic bases, to see simple worker that is back-strapped creature waiting maximum for bowl of soup.

Kiev/Ukraine in Arabic/ We don’t need to return to the far history of epoch of feudal system, which was based on religious, capitalistic or politic bases, to see simple worker that is back-strapped creature waiting maximum for bowl of soup.

Water and some food still his hunger and clothing covers body, worker and his family don’t have any rights, in particular in decent life, education, knowledge. Such a person will not receive an answer to the question where to go and to what to strive.

In their turn, feudalist, owners of lends, companies, factories, and also theirs children and grandchildren enjoy unjustified welfare, power, splendor and prestige. And such a situation is typical for most countries of the world.

Then started to appear such movements as Socialism, Communism, Marxism. After Bolshevistic resolution in 1917 new country Soviet Union started to manifest these ideas, letting to exist only public sector, where all companies and factories were the property of government, not particular persons. Such experience also adopted many other countries of the world, including Arabic.

Side by side appeared another camp, Capitalistic one, which is heading by USA. This ideology meant existence of private sector of economic and business, which could belong to particular persons. This way also was followed by several Arabic countries.

As a result of political and economic fight, main stronghold of socialistic camp and public property, Soviet Union, crumbled, so Capitalism won.

Further came to life one more economic theory, that is in a way a combination of mentioned above, but it is unrealized in real life.

Let us compare public and private sectors, theirs benefits and drawbacks.

Main benefits of public sector:

  1. Care for physical and moral qualities of workers, their social security. Low level of unemployment, lack of unjustified gap in revenue of citizens. Government gets revenue from people and apportions it among them.
  2. Prestige, strength and total control of the government of the country, it’s impossibility to mix with business and outside influence.
  3. High quality of product, including intellectual, it’s stable price and cheapness, as profit is not the main goal.


Main drawbacks of governmental sector:

  1. Ignoring and wasting of potential of people, that have inclination to business, trade, that are the important element of society.
  2.  Such system opens the doors to corruption, doesn’t encourage effective and zealous work, manifest laziness and negligence. At that the facts of corruption are very hard to detect.
  3. Routine, immobility, absence of trade activity, laws of business are in boundaries, inability to keep up with time and quickly react to save marketing outlet.

Main benefits of private sector:

  1. Government gives possibility to people to do business, to enrich themselves  and get revenue and benefit from their activity
  2. Decrease of corruption inside the companies and enterprises, because owner will not burgle himself. Work on such enterprises is effective and productive
  3. Such business is dynamic, it can quickly adopt to new conditions, changes, keep up with requirements of market


Main drawbacks of private sector:

  1. No care for physical and moral qualities of workers, their social security, high level of unemployment, unjustified gap in revenue of citizens. Vast majority of revenue is in pockets of particular persons, spectacular example of it is that 2% of citizens of our planet have 50% of all its goods. At such conditions appears ruling elite with joint responsibility.


  1. Power is not almighty, the outside influence is felt, and sometimes it acts not to the benefits of country but to the benefits of business.


  1. Decrease of quality of physical, intellectual, spiritual product, high and unstable prices, the main aim is to get surplus profit, filling of pockets of owner of business, unethical competition, which are often beyond of all bounds.


From what was said above one can make a conclusion, that both systems haven’t justified themselves, they could not satisfy the needs of people of different talents, abilities and strivings, to make sure justice and equality between them, defend them from evil, greediness, slavery of capital, despair, humiliation and injustice.

  However, why both economic theories haven’t justified themselves?

Because both of them have receded from their first teachers – nature and instincts. Everyone who are in opposition to the laws of nature and healthy instincts, will never gain benefit. All these are deviations that in the end will lead to unhappiness and grief of people. And if not to fallow this natural way, day by day humanity will suffer more and more.

What system can save situation?

The centre between owners of capital, workers and government are revenue and profit. If we compare revenues and fruitage, we can find 3 factors, cooperation of which helps to get result, harvest or profit:

  1. Seeds, that can be compared with capital for investment
  2. Work of farmer, which can be compared with work of employers at enterprises, companies.
  3. Kindly soil, that is alike to the government in which enterprises and companies work. It is government who create profitable climate for doing business by providing security, legitimacy, and infrastructure. It is natural that these 3 factors are equal, so profits should be divided on 3 parts, one third to workers and one third to government.

 There are no salaries and taxes

The word salary in its bases has negative meaning, which insults dignity of person, that works, because in result the owner buys him giving him money every month, and treats him as product. They never treat worker as partner, although it is so. 

Under such system between workers every 3 month the profits would be divided according to quarterly figures. Everyonewillgainprofitaccordingitspartincompany.

Moreover, the word taxes also contradicts to nature and common sense, because it is in a way punishment or penalty. According to new system, government will take its one third as partner, it will happen every 3 month according to quarterly figures, and word taxes should be deleted from dictionary of humanity.

Comparison of new principle with governmental and private sectors

At one day this new “triplex” system will become dominant in the world, as it will help to avoid drawbacks of governmental and private sectors, saving their benefits. But it is to be added, that under this system will be also other benefits, as everyone would be able to control his money, share and partners.

If governmental sector is the practical figure of the theory of Socialism, its philosophical, economic and social aspects, the private sector is the practical realization of the theory of Capitalism. New system is a figure of integrity, justice and natural way that protects from such deviations as tyranny, getting of undeserved profit, injustice, underpayment of goods. This very system is fare, honest, healthy, neutral and has connection with God himself.  

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