Ukraine in Arabic | The Hijri New Year to be celebrated in Kiev
KYIV/Ukraine in Arabic/ On October 24th, a celebration dedicated to the beginning of the new lunar year was held at the Ar-Rahma Kiev cathedral mosque.
A festive preaching dedicated to the resettlement of Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina sounded in mosque. It told about the misadventures of Prophet, who had carried a faith in the Lord to pagans and about the mercy of Allah who had helped Mohammed to arrive in Medina.
The holiday prayer was made after the sermon.
Because of the cold weather, the Fair had to be moved inside into the female part so it was problematic for men to please their women with holiday surprises.
Later the pupils of the Al-Irshad School presented their performances.
The sermon was read by the deputy Mufti of Ukraine Sheikh Rustam Gafuri who compared the Prophet Mohammad’s involuntary resettlement with involuntary resettlement of Ukrainian citizens from the ATO area at the east of the country. He also wished that none of the politicians use the people's faith as a tool to achieve their goals.
After the official part, the guests were invited to the mosque for the holiday table.