Ukraine in Arabic | Recognition of the Nakba is true Palestine-solidarity

With honey you catch more flies than with vinegar.’ I have this always been an intriguing proverb found. Makes you sometimes wonder how such a phrase is concluded. Who was once so vigorously engaged with the catch of flies (foreign culinary interests, seems to me) that it's worth, there was a strategy for creating?

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ With honey you catch more flies than with vinegar.’ I have this always been an intriguing proverb found. Makes you sometimes wonder how such a phrase is concluded. Who was once so vigorously engaged with the catch of flies (foreign culinary interests, seems to me) that it's worth, there was a strategy for creating?

Silliness, of course. I understand, of course, what is meant, but also in the most abstract sense, understand, I keep my questions. If we are in the extreme draw, wants, as much as to say: do not confront, but mucus. If we are a bit more subtle fill it: not to challenge, but for you to win. And in the most pure form it means: gentleness is more effective than sharpness.

Sufficient allegories for now, but I wanted to with this introduction of a stepping stone to a mostly unspoken, under the rug geveegde ethnic cleansing where the most dedicated supporters of Palestine in every month of may to focus on. It comes to the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, more than 800,000 Palestinians from their country were expelled. In the following years were 531 of their abandoned villages by the zionist invasion force to the ground and the map is cleared. Little issue? For me, no way. By any standards of international law and human compassion, this was a heinous crime against humanity.

I've heard that some people find that I am usually here what to focus on exhaust, and will attempt me be a little kinder and a little more inviting. I'm also very curious as to whether I will succeed.

For years the public in the West lied with distortions of the history of the state of ‘Israel’. There were several myths to the people sold to the mysterious way to explain to which European jews suddenly a state could establish in the by Arabs of the occupied Middle East. It was "a land without people for a people without a country," said one. Then, as the staggering number of Palestinian refugees had to be declared, they said, ‘they were by the Arab regimes are called to their homes and to leave their country’. This was not paid attention to the contradiction of the myth, with the previous. Also, there is no documented call of this nature available, and is also the credibility of this crap on logical grounds not to keep afloat.

 Another, still popular and persistent myth, nor evidence-based, is that of the ‘sale of land to jews by Palestinian large-landowners’ that the impression had to be that zionists are not by means of violence and expulsion, but by legal purchase master had made of Palestinian lands. In fact, this as a minimum percentage of land that in the big picture, no name, and only used to the horrifying truth of the zionist aggression to cover it up.

 All of these myths was in the nineties, brought to an end by Israeli historians, who, because of their more sincere analysis of the history became known as the ‘New Historians’. Some of them were dedicated zionists like Benny Morris, that the ethnic cleansing as a historical fact recognised, but especially liked that the volksverdrijving not thoroughly enough. There remained a sufficient Palestinians in Palestine to today by the racist zionist order as a ‘demographic problem’ to be considered.

Another Israeli historian, Ilan Pappé, author of the famous book ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’, came on the same historical facts, as Benny Morris, but did hereinafter referred to as away from all the zionist ideals he in his upbringing had been. Just as Morris explained in his book he clearly how the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is a deliberate strategy, in accordance with the so-called ‘Plan Dalet’ (1947), the plan for the violent eviction of Palestine. Also, this plan didn't fall from the sky: it was based on the vision of the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, as set out in his book ‘Der Judenstaat’ (1896). While Morris, however, this ethnic purification as a ‘necessary evil’ perceives, considers Pappé this as a crime against humanity, which him the nickname ‘most hated Jew in Israel has yielded, several death threats, and a public condemnation in the Knesset (the Israeli parliament).

 The discussion about the origins of the zionist state is officially already closed, now from both zionist and anti-zionist angle the facts for almost twenty years, irrefutable on the table. ‘Israel’ was founded by a bloody ethnic cleansing initiated by the massacre in the village of Deir Yassin, and followed by a series of other massacres in the villages Qaysaria, Dahmash, Beir Daras and Dawayma. These massacres were aimed at the Palestinian population flocking on the flight to do hit, and were carried out by zionist terror groups such as the Haganah, the Irgun and the Palmach. These terrorists were the later government of the jewish kolonistenstaat on the ruins of ethnically cleansed Palestine was established.

 However, there are still a lot of zionists who, in spite of the revelations of the New Historians, the historical facts continue to deny, just as there are still very many people in the West are in the old-fashioned distortions of history continue to believe. The cognitive dissonance between what they in their education have been given, and what the facts clearly show, is for many people too big to contain. It can be for them to simply not be so, that the ‘Israel’ whose ‘heroism’ them with the spoon-fed to have an undeniable rogue. Without a massive crime against another people, including Palestinians, known as the Nakba (‘The Catastrophe’), would this ethnic superiority based kolonistenstaat however, never have been able to come.

 This brings us back to the flies and the honey of the beginning of this story. Nakba-denial remains in the West, widely spread, despite the fact that the onstaansmythen of the zionist colony long since been unmasked. With what honey, these ‘fly’ than to get it? It Is conceivable that people whose common sense is not accessible due to deep seeded emotions, through gentle language can be encouraged to by the board for their head to go to the store and face the truth to see? They proved willing to listen to Ilan Pappé, an eloquent and peaceful jewish Westerner, who, since 2006, through his book and many media appearances trying the true story by the masses embraced to see? Show the stubborn to the Israel-ideal tenacious citizens at all interested if their insidious sacred cows be questioned?

 You can me hardly blame that I regularly my ‘vinegar’ in the fight throw. Not only because honey is my specialty, and fly not on my menu. You do only what you want, but deniers of the Nakba are complicit in war crimes in the same way that those other crimes against humanity condone or deny, help to build an unjust and criminal world.

 There are many forms of Nakba-denial: the recognition of the zionist state without the requirement to establish that the government of ‘Israel’ to take responsibility for its crimes against the Palestinians. Another form of Nakba denial is the fight of the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees, contained in resolution 194 of the United Nations. The normalization of the state of ‘Israel’ by outreach to zionist groups and individuals, and to support them in their desire to defend the legitimacy of their colonial entity on stolen land: Nakba-denial. The exclusion of Palestinians in dialogues, discussions and debates, and the set of terms and conditions for their participation in: Nakba-denial. Calls for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, through art, culture, or other great projects, without paying any attention to questions of justice, is also Nakba-denial. The list is longer, but because many people who read this are already addressed begin to feel, and I had promised to be nice try to remain, I keep the rest of my vinegar is still just me.

 The true sympathizer of Palestine, the Nakba is central to his or her perception of the environment, and is well aware of all the historical facts in this regard. He or she is in the daily life working to contribute to the combat of Nakba-denial, by people on these facts point to it. Every year in may, we are there again, and we do something to Nakba education, this year, exactly on 15 may, the International Day of the Nakba. Was you there in the summer of 2014, when good people en masse in the street went to the bloody continuation of the Nakba in the 21st century? Were you furious about the mass-slaughter of Palestinian men, women and children in Gaza? Then it may actually not be otherwise than that you also want. I say this now, for my feeling, as a kind and gentle way, that I the honey itself taste (delicious), and the fly all on me see (okay, less). Be there in Amsterdam, may 15: with Dyab Abu Jahjah (Belgium), Appa, Abbas Hamideh (USA), Mohanad Abusultan and myself (UAE).

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