Roughly 300 thousand of children are trapped in Syria - UN

At the moment there are 15 areas of siege in Syria, inhabited by 700 thousand people, including at least 300 thousand children.
According to a joint statement released on Monday by the WHO, UNICEF, UN and WFP, asking for ''immediate, unconditional and safe access to reach children and families cut out from humanitarian aid''.
''The horrors of the siege of the eastern districts of Aleppo has disappeared from public awareness, the organizations said, but we must prevent the needs and future of the Syrian people from leaving the world's conscience''.
At least five million people live in areas that are extremely difficult to reach by humanitarian aid, including two million children, at increased risk of malnutrition, dehydration, infectious diseases and wounds.
''Tragically - the statement added - many children have only known war in their lives. We, and with that we mean the world, cannot keep quite while the sides in the conflict continue to use the denial of food, water and medical provisions, as well as other forms of aid, as war weapons''.