PHOTO: Mickey Mouse attracts tourists to Dubai

Dubai Miracle Garden, or "Miracle Garden", opened to visitors relatively recently, in February 2013, but during this period managed to become famous throughout the world for its uniqueness. And this is not surprising, because the scale of the park is truly impressive - the area is more than 70 thousand square meters, the length of the footpaths is almost 4 km, and there are about 45 million flowers growing here.
The main role in colorful compositions is played by petunia, which is surrounded by geranium, calendula, lobelia, coleuses, tagetes and many other species of deciduous and flowering plants. It is interesting that many of them are not typical for this area and before they did not land in the Persian Gulf - seeds were brought from Europe and the USA.
From time to time tourists are attracted by different events and expositions. Recently, a sculpture of planty Micky Mouse, which has become one of the most popular locations, was shown above.
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Source: GulfNews