PHOTO: Campaign against sexual harassment in Egypt

In a series of captivating pictures, showing women in Egypt subjected to harassment in various forms, a new photo session has been released to point fingers at the society’s silent bystanders of sexual harassment.
Under the name “Your silence is a harassment,” the campaign ran a series of images reflecting occasions in which women are being sexually harassed.
“The reason does not lie in my clothes or looks, it isn’t because of my existence in the society, your silence can be the reason...your silence is a harassment,” read the description on the Facebook photo album published Saturday.
Al Arabiya English spoke to Marwa Ragheb, the project’s team photographer, who said the project targets the society's silence towards sexual harassment, and asks for how long will women continue to be blamed for it.
“In all forms of harassment, women are the ones who are blamed. They are even blamed when they react or try to defend themselves,” she said.
According to statustics of UN, 99.3% of Egyptian women claim that at least once in their life they were victims of sexual harassment. At the same time, 51% of Egyptian men admit that they tried to stick to the women, despite the absence of signs of attention from them.
Source: Al Arabiya