IOF imprisoned 56 women to Women's Day

As the world soon marks, on March 8, International Women’s Day, 56 Palestinian women, many of whom are mothers of young children, are currently serving time in the Israeli penal system for resisting the occupation. Among them are 16 individuals under 18 years of age, the Prisoners’ Affairs Commission said on Monday.
It said, according to WAFA, that Israel has detained some 15,000 Palestinian women since its occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in 1967.
The commission said that one of the detainees, Sabah Faroun, from Izzariyeh, east of Jerusalem, is serving time under administrative detention (without charge or trial) which has been renewed for six months, and for the second time in a row.
Another prisoner, Lena Jarbouni, from inside Israel, is considered the oldest woman prisoner and is serving a 17-year sentence. She is scheduled for release in April.
Underage prisoners also recently received heavy sentences with Shatila Abu Ayyad, from inside Israel, and Shorouq Dwayyat, both sentenced to 16 years in prison, Maysoun Jabali, from Bethlehem, sentenced to 15 years in prison, and Marah Bakir, eight years and Marah Showbaki, six years, both from East Jerusalem.