Ukraine to use Girkin's statements as evidence against Russia in ECHR

Ukraine’s Commissioner for ECHR Ivan Lyshchyna uncover some details

The European Court of Human Rights is considering several suits launched by Ukraine against the Russian Federation for Moscow’s actions in Crimea and Donbas.

"We have five cases lodged by Ukraine with the European Court of Human Rights against Russia regarding human rights violations that occurred during the annexation of Crimea and beyond, as well as during military operations in Donbas," Ukraine’s Commissioner for ECHR Ivan Lyshchyna has told Hromadske TV channel.

Commenting on the Crimea case, Ivan Lyshchyna said: "We submitted 150 pages of text in English; [there are] 50 witnesses confirming the Russian invasion of Crimea, Russia’s actions in Crimea, human rights violations by the Russian Federation in Crimea; more than 100 video-recorded evidence with testimonies of those who recorded them, or were filmed, or know where the material came from; and more than 160 documents. [Russia’s] effective control is slightly easier to prove than in Donbas because in Crimea, the Russian Federation itself recognizes that it has gained this effective control. They say they gained it on March 21, 2014, while we claim it happened on the night of February 26-27, that’s when Russian military seized the building of parliament of the Crimean Autonomous Republic and forced [the deputies] to vote for the referendum.

"Lyshchyna noted that Ukraine has even filed as evidence the Russian documentary "Crimea. Path to the Motherland."

"Even Girkin, he actually serves as a witness in our favor. He has told so many interesting things on television that we are using it all," Ivan Lyshchyna said.

He also explained that the case on Donbas is much larger, as there have been much more human rights violations there, and it is much more difficult to prove Russia’s participation in these events.

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