Ukraine is negotiating with Iran for compensation for a downed plane

The parties discussed a range of issues related to the plane crash

The Iranian side is negotiating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding the settlement of claims for damages for an UIA aircraft shot down on January 8 in Tehran.

The relevant information was published on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine following the meeting of its head Vladislav Krikli with the Special Envoy of the President of Iran, Minister of Railways and Urban Development of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammed Eslami.

During the conversation, the parties discussed a range of issues related to the plane crash. At the same time, the Ukrainian minister emphasized that the common duty of both parties to the victims and their families is to establish the objective causes of the disaster and bring the perpetrators to justice. According to him, Iran’s recognition of the downing of the liner is the first step towards establishing justice.

“We highly appreciate the fact that the Iranian side promptly launched an investigation into the catastrophe in accordance with Appendix 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention). We are grateful for providing access to the investigation to the experts of the Ukrainian competent authorities and the airline-owner airline. We emphasize once again that it should be impartial and objective and should be carried out with strict observance of the requirements of international law, ”said Krikliy.

He also emphasized the willingness of the Ukrainian side to facilitate the investigation, in particular to ensure the analysis of data from the "black boxes" in Ukraine.

The Minister also noted that, according to the Ukrainian side, the end result of the technical investigation should be the development of effective proposals to avoid such tragic cases in the future. This may include proposals for the development by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and other competent international organizations of effective safety recommendations or standards.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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