Student from Nigeria poisoned in Ukraine

Police are investigating the poisoning of a student from Nigeria Badmus Ololade. The girl studied at Ternopil Medical University, and the reason for the intentional departure from life could be the threat of returning home due to academic failure.
African media, referring to the girlfriends of the girl, accused the university of committing suicide due to a failed exam, since many have a biased attitude.
"Badmus Ololade Rafiat, a medical student of the last year of study, felt that she had no choice but to take her life after being expelled from the university because she could not pass the exam," writes the YabaLeftOnline website.
They also indicate that the girl was not able to pass the pediatrics exam, after which she went to the dean’s office and begged on her knees for the leadership not to expel her.
Badmus left a note in which she noted that this was the "only thing left for her." According to friends, after six years of training, the girl was forced to return to Africa. And after that, she had no chance to finish her studies in Ukraine at all. Therefore, in upset feelings, Badmus Ololade went to her friends, left a suicide note and killed herself.
Source: Ukraine in arabic