Statue of Reagan Could Replace Monument To Communist Leader In Ukraine

The monument implies great impact Reagan had on the destruction of Communism

A Ukrainian group is pushing to replace a monument to a communist leader with a statue of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Kiev, Ukraine.

Ukranian Economic Freedoms Foundation is seeking a permit to build a monument to Reagan at the Kiev city center, the former home of a statue of Dmytro Manuilsky, a leader of Ukraine’s Bolshevik party in the early 20th century.

The monument “is to underline the great impact Reagan had on the destruction of Communism,” Maryan Zablotskyy, president of the Ukrainian Economic Freedoms Foundation, said in a statement.

“Reagan met Ukrainian diaspora and proclaimed: ‘your struggle is our struggle.’ And we are forever thankful for that. Ukraine now has special laws in place that forbid the use of any communist regalia and symbols,” Zablotskyy said


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