President: Ukraine is on the brink of economic breakthrough

Ukraine is doing everything necessary to continue its cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and maintain its economic growth, as stated by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ukraine is doing everything necessary to continue its cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and maintain its economic growth, as stated by President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During a speech at the RE: THINK. Invest in Ukraine Forum in Mariupol, the Head of State noted the productive and resolute work of the new Verkhovna Rada, which has passed over 40 laws in just two months, some of which had been long-awaited by Ukraine’s international partners and business. In particular, it is the law on concession that unblocks significant investments in Ukraine's infrastructure.

“We reduce the role of the state in the economy where it is not effective. Privatization, deregulation, "A State in a Smartphone" - all these initiatives will allow business to spread wings and breathe freely," he said.

"Today, we are doing everything necessary to continue our cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and maintain economic growth," the President stressed.

The land reform is also among the priorities of the Ukrainian authorities. "The Government has submitted a bill on the introduction of the free land market that will give impetus to the agro-industrial sector, attract investment and modern technologies," the Head of State said.

Source: President of ukraine

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