Poroshenko invites UK investors to Ukraine

20.04.2017 - 09:09 #Investments, #Poroshenko, #Uсraine
Great Britain is now one of Ukraine's biggest foreign investors with over $2 billion and dozens of thousands of jobs

"The head of state has emphasized he believes in a promising future of Ukrainian-British trade and investment partnership," the press service said. According to him, Great Britain is now one of Ukraine's biggest foreign investors with over $2 billion and dozens of thousands of jobs.

The president noted successful cooperation of Ukraine's Antonov enterprise and Britain's Dowty Propellers in the creation of the An-132D transport aircraft. Poroshenko also welcomed the interest of British companies in Ukraine, particularly of Unilever that founded a tea factory in Kyiv region and of Hutchison Ports that is planning to enter the Ukrainian market of maritime container transportation in the near future.

"The success of these projects in our country will certainly become a good example for other investors, as well as an important signal of confidence in the Ukrainian reforms," he said. The Ukrainian president briefed the British side on the implementation of the reforms in Ukraine in the past three years and the main results achieved. Key focus is the creation of the investment climate, judicial reform, the fight against corruption, reform in the banking and energy sectors. 

Source: UNIAN

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