Important decision on the suit of Ukraine against Russia has been taken by the court in the Hague

22.02.2020 - 10:27 #Decision, #Ukraine, #Russia, #Court, #Suit, #Hague
The Law of the Sea case moves on The Arbitration Court in The Hague

The Arbitration Court in The Hague confirmed that the consideration of the claim of Ukraine on the situation in the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea is in its jurisdiction.

The Law of the Sea case moves on The Arbitration Court in The Hague confirmed its jurisdiction to consider the lawsuit of Ukraine in the part of the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait, as well as the theft of our natural resources, ”wrote the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vadim Pristayko on his Twitter.

He clarified that the lawsuit concerns the illegal construction by Russia of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, as well as the illegal stopping of ships that sail to the Ukrainian ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk.

Source: Socportal

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