FBI released a comment on Ukraine’s possible U.S. election "involvement"

Ukrainian Embassy to the United States has refuted the allegations

During an FBI Director confirmation hearing in the U.S. Senate July 12 GOP Senator Lindsay Graham asked Christopher Wray, Donald Trump’s pick for the top FBI post, to provide an assessment of reports on Ukraine’s interference in the U.S. presidential campaign in 2016, according to the Voice of America.

The nominee was asked whether he was familiar with an article from Politico titled “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire.” According to Ken Vogel, the author of the piece, a Ukrainian-American operative, who was consulting for the DNC, met with officials in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump campaign and Russia, according to people with a direct knowledge of the situation, VOA reported.

“Have you ever heard of those allegations before?” Senator Graham asked Mr Wray, who answered that he had not. Asked if he would look into this information, Christopher Wray said: “I’d be happy to dig into it.” He has also agreed with a suggestion that, if the allegations are true, it would be “wrong” for Ukraine “to be involved” in the U.S. elections.

Earlier on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sara Sanders in her response to allegations of Russian meddling in the U.S. elections said that the collusion between DNC and Ukraine government was confirmed by more evidence.

Ukrainian Embassy to the United States has refuted the allegations, repeating its earlier statement that it had not coordinated in any way with the DNC any efforts toward research or made any actions directed against presidential candidates and their campaign members.

Source: UNIAN

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