Chief ukrainian official suspected of stealing UAH 2 bln from budget

03.03.2017 - 10:12 #Ukraine, #Corruption, #Bribes, #Chief taxman
During process of arrest he imitated a heart attack

The Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SACPO) suspects Chairman of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov of committing acts which resulted in a damage to the state in the amount of UAH 2 billion, according to a SACPO official Roman Syvkiv, TSN news service reported.

The investigation believes that Nasirov took unreasonable decisions on restructuring rental fees for the extraction of minerals, which helped People's Deputy Oleksandr Onyshchenko [the MP who fled Ukraine] to implement corruption schemes he is charged with, according to Syvkiv.

The SACPO official also reported that the security staff of Feofania hospital tried to hinder access of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) detectives as they arrived to hand over a suspicion notice to Mr Nasirov, who had earlier been admitted to the hospital for treatment. Commenting on reports regarding Nasirov’s health, MP Nadriy Zhurzhiy expressed doubt that the SFS chief’s condition is as grave as he has been trying to present, claiming that he heard the doctors speaking with Nasirov while upon the arrival of the detectives, Nasirov “pretended to be unconscious.”

At the moment, having been diagnosed with a myocardial infraction, Nasirov remains in the intense care unit of the same hospital under a heavy guard by law enforcers. Meanwhile, his lawyers believe that the detention and handing over of a suspicion notice were carried out in a breach of procedure, given the defendant’s alleged health condition.

As reported earlier, On Thursday, March 2, the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine (SAPU) held a number of raids in the State Fiscal Service's offices, including its head office. Nasirov is charged under Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (the abuse of power or official position).

NABU suspects that the SFS-approved installment plan for rent payments for gas production was part of the scheme by MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko’s firms on misappropriation of funds PJSC Ukrgasvydobuvannia in the amount of UAH 740.07 million.

Investigators believe that the criminal activities of the group Onishchenko were disguised by the fact that the firm did not pay rent to the state budget. And due to this, they transferred part of the money to the accounts of Ukrgazvydobuvannia under the guise of income from joint operations. This was the actual reason to secure an installment plan with the State Fiscal Service, NABU finds.

Source: UNIAN


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