World's leaders have reacted to russian agression in Azov sea

Countries across the world and various politicians have reacted to Russia's attack on Ukrainian vessels in the Sea of Azov and called on Russia to stop violating international law.
"Today's dramatic escalation of tension in the Azov Sea waters, which resulted in injured sailors and damaged vessels of the Ukrainian navy is a result of Russian Federation's consistent breach of basic international law principles, including the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland said in a statement.
"After the illegal occupation of Crimea, flare-up of the conflict in Donbas, construction of the Kerch bridge without consent of the authorities in Kyiv, Russia breached the principle of freedom of navigation. We strongly condemn Russia's aggressive actions and call on its authorities to respect international law. We urge both sides to show restraint in the current situation, which may pose a threat to the stability of European security," the ministry said.
"Canada condemns Russian aggression towards Ukraine in the KerchStrait. We call on Russia to immediately de-escalate, release the captured vessels, and allow for freedom of passage. Canada is unwavering in its support for Ukraine's sovereignty," Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland wrote on Twitter on November 26, 2018. "NATO is closely monitoring developments in the AzovSea and KerchStrait, and we are in contact with the Ukrainian authorities. We call for restraint and de-escalation," NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu wrote on Twitter, posting the relevant statement.
"Deeply concerned about the developments in AzovSea and KerchStrait. Aggression and violation of international law undermine the security of the whole region. Romania fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and its rights to use its territorial waters," the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote on Twitter.
Source: UNIAN