Ukraine receives Gazprom's payment for gas transit in full – Ukrainian GTS operator

The money is already in the accounts of the Ukrainian GTS operator, as the services are provided on a prepayment basis.
CEO of Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) LLC Serhiy Makogon says the company has received payment for gas transit in full from Russia's Gazprom, despite a reduction in volumes of gas transmitted.
"As there are many questions and a lot of speculations [around the 'gas' topic], I would like to explain that, despite the fact that the physical volumes of [gas] transit have temporarily decreased to 35-45 million cubic meters [mcm] per day, the GTS operator receives payment in full [from Gazprom] at a rate of 178 mcm per day. The money is already in the GTSOU's accounts since the services are provided on a prepayment basis," he said on Facebook on January 4.
The GTSOU's press service earlier wrote on Facebook that, the company had been fulfilling all transit applications from Russia's Gazprom since 07:00 January 1, that is provides gas deliveries from Russia to the EU and Moldova at 35-45 mcm per day. At the same time, the operator gets full pay for the daily capacity at the corresponding entry and exit points based on the 65 billion cubic meters reserved for 2020.
Source: UNIAN