Ukraine in Arabic | Ukraine haven’t offended Muslims

In the capital of Ukraine on 26 of January was held press conference on issue “Reasons and consequences for EU and Ukraine shooting of weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo”.

Kiev/Ukraine in Arabic/ In the capital of Ukraine on 26 of January was held press conference on issue “Reasons and consequences   for EU and Ukraine shooting of weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo”. Invited guests were Islamic scholar Denis Brilev, editor in chief of information portal “Ukraine in Arabic” Mohammad Farajallah , and also editor of international news department  in newspaper “Today” Irina Kovalchuk .

Caricature of French artists from “Charlie Hebdo” caused wave of discussion all over the world. The next edition after shooting of 10 journalists and 2 police officers brought amazing ratings to publishers - 5 mil copies. These events provoked terroristic attacks in whole world. Also in Europe there were a lot of protests appealing to protect European countries from Islamic extremists.

At the same time in Ukraine there are near half a million of Muslims. The participants of press conference have discussed what could be consequences of the latest events in France.

“Any humiliation of Prophet Mohammad leads to painful reaction among Muslims. In this particular situation we can explain such reaction on caricatures of “Charlie Hebdo” not by the fact of the image of Prophet, but by hurt fillings of religious Muslims. Those very types of images are intolerable for every religious person”, - Ukrainian Islamic scholar Brilev has said.

The editor in chief of information portal “Ukraine in Arabic” M. Farajallah has said: “This scandal touches fillings of not only religious people, but has also serious political background, the aim of which could be confrontation between Muslims in Europe and other inhabitants of this continent”.

In Ukraine there is rather numerous expat community of Muslims, which also showed its negative attitude toward terroristic attack in Paris, highlighting only peaceful way of their religion. Ukrainian media supported strike of these caricatures of Prophet Mohammad and haven’t printed them in their editions.

It was also noted, that although Ukraine has not very good times now Ukrainians didn’t stay aside of the problem and have done all that they could.



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