Ukraine in Arabic | The UN has calculated the official number of people killed in the Donbass

Less than a year of conflict casualties thousands. The data cover the period from December 1, 2014 February 15, 2015. The number of deaths in Ukraine in the area of the ATO exceeded 6 thousand people. This was stated by the high Commissioner of the organization for human rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein during the presentation of the new UN report, informs the press service of the offices on Monday, March 2.

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ "More than six thousand lives lost, in less than a year of hostilities in Eastern Ukraine," said Zaid.

Ninth report of the UN mission on human rights in Ukraine, covering the period from December 1, 2014 February 15, 2015, refers to reports about the ongoing influx of heavy weapons and foreign fighters, including from the Russian Federation, under the control of armed groups in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

 After a relative lull in December, the situation in the field of security and human rights in the East "is extremely deteriorated sharply in January and early February, the report said.

"Since mid-April 2014 to 28 February 2015 documented the deaths of at least 5809 and wound 14740 people in the East of Ukraine. Of them 1012 people were killed and 3793 were injured in the period from December 1, 2014 February 15, 2015. Taking into account that the full reports of human losses, especially near Donetsk airport and in the area of Debaltsevo, not yet submitted, the office of the high Commissioner for human rights estimates the total number of people killed in Eastern Ukraine on March 2, as almost certainly reached 6 thousand", - the press service of the UN.

Earlier, the UN reported that since mid-April 2014 to February 5, 2015 in the East of Ukraine died 5486 people, including 59 children (including 298 people on Board the Boeing 777," Malaysian airlines).

Stoimosti humanitarian United Nations programme for Ukraine will increase in half - from 189 to 316 million, According to UN data, the number of deaths in the East of Ukraine exceeded 6 thousand people. This was stated by the high Commissioner of the organization for human rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein during the presentation of the new UN report, informs the press service of the offices on Monday, March 2.

 "More than six thousand lives lost, in less than a year of hostilities in Eastern Ukraine," said Zaid.

 Ninth report of the UN mission on human rights in Ukraine, covering the period from December 1, 2014 February 15, 2015, refers to reports about the ongoing influx of heavy weapons and foreign fighters, including from the Russian Federation, under the control of armed groups in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

 After a relative lull in December, the situation in the field of security and human rights in the East "is extremely deteriorated sharply in January and early February, the report said.

 "Since mid-April 2014 to 28 February 2015 documented the deaths of at least 5809 and wound 14740 people in the East of Ukraine.

Of them 1012 people were killed and 3793 were injured in the period from December 1, 2014 February 15, 2015. Taking into account that the full reports of human losses, especially near Donetsk airport and in the area of Debaltsevo, not yet submitted, the office of the high Commissioner for human rights estimates the total number of people killed in Eastern Ukraine on March 2, as almost certainly reached 6 thousand", - the press service of the UN.

 Earlier, the UN reported that since mid-April 2014 to February 5, 2015 in the East of Ukraine died 5486 people, including 59 children (including 298 people on Board the Boeing 777," Malaysian airlines)

The cost of humanitarian United Nations programme for Ukraine will increase in half - from 189 to 316 million, reported Корреспондент.net.

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