Ukraine in Arabic | The Chechen Diaspora of Ukraine initiated a blood collection for the victims of armed conflicts in the country

Many volunteers, who wanted to donate their blood, couldn’t make this because of the law about citizenship

KYIV/Ukraine in arabic/ On the eve of World Blood Donor Day, which celebrates on June, 14, the Diaspora of the Chechen people and Muslims of Kiev and city of Belaya Tserkov, headed by Roman Sangariev, donated blood for the salvation of victims of armed conflicts in Ukraine.

The donation was conducted on May, 23 at the Kyiv Regional Blood Center. The volunteers were hosted by the deputy head physician Olga Shishkina, who has extended the working hours of the Center for the event.

"Because of the difficult situation in Ukraine and a lot of dead and wounded people in the eastern regions of our country, we decided to help them. Such a decision was supported not only by Chechens but all Muslims of the city and region", the chairman of the Kiev Chechen Diaspora Musa Abdurazakov said.

More than 20 representatives of Ukrainians, Somalis, Chechens, Uzbeks and Azerbaijanis took part in the event.

"There were a lot of people who wanted to donate blood but according to law, only citizens of Ukraine can be the donors. The problem is that most of us haven’t got a citizenship but have a permanent residence permit. We ask lawmakers to change this rule and permit blood donation for everyone who lives in Ukraine on legal grounds", the chairman of the Belaya Tserkov Chechen Diaspora Nazhmuddin Kataev added.

The chief physician of the Kyiv Regional Blood Center Peter Verbitsky thanked representatives of national minorities for their support of the young Ukrainian state.

In his turn, the chairman of the Diaspora of the Chechen people All-Ukrainian public organization Salman Sadaev thanked the management and the entire staff of the Kiev regional blood center for the proper organization of the event and expressed a hope for further cooperation.

"We are not the one in Ukraine who holds such actions. Recently, the Muslims of Poltava have also donated their blood. We hope that Chechens of other regions also will support this idea. Muslims all over Ukraine are asking the God about health, understanding and unity for all Ukrainians", Salman Sadaev said.

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