Ukraine in Arabic | Foreign students passed the final exam at the medical University A. Bogomolets

Foreign students National medical University A. Bogomolets has passed the final exam, reports news Agency UMMA. Future surgeons have demonstrated to the teachers acquired during training, knowledge and skills in the building of the Department of surgery in the territory of Alexandria clinical hospital of Kiev.

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ According to the President of the Association of Arab doctors in Ukraine Abu Shamsiya Rami, school learn quite a large number of foreign students. Here they master the basics of medical Affairs, as well as surgery.

So, a comprehensive exam consisted of theoretical and practical parts, where future doctors have to prove their knowledge not only in surgery and therapeutics, hygiene, and even rheumatology: students answered the questions of the professors, and demonstrated practical skills in special plaster cast and had the opportunity to prove your competence before the patients of medical institutions.

"Foreign students are very well prepared," said one of the examiners, associate Professor Markulin Leonid Yurievich. The teacher took the students "assessment of patients". He said that only this part of the exam contains 15 points, but foreign students do well with all of them.

Currently, the University has 1500 students from more than 65 countries and in this respect the national medical University named after Bogomolets ranks first among other Ukrainian universities.

As recognized dear teachers, in recent years the quality of the educational process is significantly improved due to the purchase of special medical models and new high-quality benefits. Also a great influence on the formation of the future professional surgeon has the opportunity to attend or even take part in operations by prior arrangement with the responsible physician. For foreign students, as for Ukrainian, the possibility to continue training in internship and graduate school.

This year the University opened the Institute of postgraduate education, which provides an additional opportunity for professional growth of students.

The acting head of the Department of surgery of Mossbauer Galina Vladimirovna said that the level of knowledge of students trained at the Department, good, and two students even graduate with excellent results. The Department trained a fairly large number of guests from abroad - mainly from the countries of the former Soviet Union. However, there are young professionals from Arab countries. So, the special pride of Abu Shamsiya Rami of Numanovic represent his fellow Palestinian students working in high positions at home.

The venerable doctor and the teacher hopes that the University will enroll more young people from Arab countries, because the Ukrainian educational institution offers a really high level of training and produces the high-qualified doctors.

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