Reina nightclub attacker confesses - officials

17.01.2017 - 17:35
Officials in Turkey say the suspected Reina nightclub gunman, who was arrested overnight, has admitted carrying out the attack. Istanbul Governor Vasip Sahin says the man, whom he identified as Abdulgadir Masharipov, has admitted his guilt. Officials in Turkey say the suspected Reina nightclub gunman, who was arrested overnight, has admitted carrying out the attack. Istanbul Governor Vasip Sahin says the man, whom he identified as Abdulgadir Masharipov, has admitted his guilt. Sahin says Masharipov’s fingerprints matched those found at the scene. There are strong indications he entered Turkey illegally through its eastern borders in January 2016, Sahip added, saying it is clear the attack was carried out on behalf of ISIL.