Price of borsch vegetable kit almost doubles in 2018

Director of the Ukrainian Association of Retail Suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko says the prices of vegetables from the borsch kit in 2018 almost doubled, to UAH 56.6, or around US$2.
"The borsch [vegetable] kit in 2018 went up in price almost twice, or by UAH 27.7 [$0.98]. The kit by late December 2018 cost UAH 56.6, whereas it was UAH 28.9 [$1] in the previous year," he wrote on Facebook on January 16.
The expert added that the kit included beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and onions (1 kilogram each). Thus, the price of one kilogram of onions in 2018 more than tripled, or rose by UAH 11.3 ($0.40), to UAH 16.8 ($0.60); the price of cabbage doubled, or grew by UAH 4.5 ($0.16) per kilogram; carrots went up in price by 79%, or by UAH 5.3 ($0.19), to UAH 12 ($0.43) per kilogram. The price of beets increased by 73%, or UAH 4.6 ($0.16), to UAH 10.9 ($0.39) per kilogram; and those of potatoes rose by 33%, or UAH 2 ($0.07), to UAH 8 ($0.28) per kilogram, according to calculations based on data from the State Statistics Service.
In addition, from March 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the borsch kit rose in price by 57%. At the same time, prices of all products grew over the 10 months: onions by 93%, cabbage by 62%, carrots by 55%, beets by 50%, and potatoes by 30%, according to the Association's alternative study.
Source: UNIAN