Most Ukrainians have enough savings for no more than a month
In case of loss of work due to quarantine, two-thirds of Ukrainians will be left without funds.
Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Ukrainians surveyed claimed their savings, provided that they stopped receiving income, enough for less than a month. This is evidenced by a survey of the Sociological Group "Rating".
At the same time, 16% of respondents said that they have enough savings for up to two months, 7% - up to three months, 6% - up to six months, 3% - up to a year or more.
The sociological group “Rating” conducted a CATI survey (computer-assisted telephone interviews) using a random sample of mobile phone numbers. The sample is representative by age, gender and type of settlement. Sample collection: I wave of 1000 respondents (March 25-27, 2020), II wave of 1000 respondents (March 28-30, 2020). Error of representativeness of the study with a confidence probability of 0.95: not more than 4%.
Source: RBK