Israel issued more than 2000 orders on demolition during 3 years

And approximately 37 permits for palestinians

Haaretz on Tuesday said that the Israeli “Civil Administration” during the past three years had approved 35 Palestinian structures in C areas of the West Bank, and gave demolition orders to over 2000 other structures. And so the number of structures demolished is 18 times more than those approved.

According to the information from the Civil administration, in 2014, nine building permits were approved, in 2015 seven were approved, and in 2016 37 were approved. In exchange, 2000 demolition orders were given, 983 of them have already been demolished.

The Civil Administration said that it has no information on the number of permits given to Israeli settlements because they are not responsible for that issue. However, it said that in 2014, 865 demolition orders have been given to settlement units, and 438 of them have been demolished so far.

Area C constitutes over 60% of the occupied West Bank, and falls under Israeli Civil and Military control. Israel continues to demolish Palestinians homes in the area and building Israeli colonial settlements that are illegal in international law.

Read this article in russian.


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