In Spain burst islamophobic sentiments after recent attacks

Members of the Seville Mosque Foundation’s centre discovered anti-Muslim slogans daubed on the building on Saturday morning.
One read: “Killers, you’re going to pay” while another threatened to behead Muslims.
While the vast majority of Spaniards united in grief following Thursday’s attacks that killed 14 and left more than 100 injured, far right extremists have used the atrocities to push their own anti-Muslim agenda.
Jalid Nieto, spokesman for the Seville Mosque Foundation centre, said: “They are taking advantage of Thursday’s terror attack, which pains us and has left us devastated, to try to make ideological capital.
“People should understand that Muslims, just like any other person, can be victims of the injustice of the individuals behind Thursday’s attacks.
“No-one should take advantage of the horrible incidents in Catalonia, which we have publicly condemned, as humans, Spaniards, and Muslims, to oppress or threaten another group.”
The targeting of the Seville mosque happened just hours before right-wing radicals attacked a mosque in the Andalucian city of Granada two hours drive east.
Around 12 people let off flares and smoke bombs after appearing at the door to the mosque with a banner saying, ‘Whoever finances this mosque, finances terrorism.’ as they chanted racist insults.
Source: Express