Gas prices may fall by 3-5 hryvnias per liter, - AMCU

According to analytical agencies, gasoline prices may fall by 3-5 hryvnia per liter due to falling world oil prices. This is stated in the message of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.
It is reported that today continues to decrease prices at gas stations.
“Welcoming such a reaction of market participants to previous recommendations, the Committee at the same time receives data from analytical agencies that indicate the potential for an even greater price reduction. For example, for A-95 gasoline, a decrease of another 3-5 may be justified hryvnia, "the message said.
It is also reported that tomorrow the AMCU will hold meetings with the heads of the largest gas station chains. The Committee expects this meeting to take the next step in lowering retail prices for high-octane gasolines and diesel to a level that reflects real competition.
Source: RBK