Expert explained sense of new law on transferring parishes

Signed by Poroshenko law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Subordination of Religious Organizations and the Procedures for the State Registration of Religious Organizations and the Status of a Legal Entity” concernes, first of all, subjects, whose headquarters are in countries officially recognized as the aggressor. At the same time the criteria of "management" are not specified in the document - they will be determined by an authorized state body.
This was stated by an expert in the comments of the IE "Ukraine in Arabic".
Such religious organization (church) will be required to reflect their led country. According to the law, the church itself must rename the name by submitting an application to the state structures. It will not be canceled. Such subjects will be denied the right to serve in the army and military units.
Within a month after the final adoption of the law, the state is obliged to check the statutes of the UOC-MP. And only after the conclusion of this examination can be issued an order to rename.
At the moment, the UOC-MP has already made a statement that it will not be renamed, since it does not have control centers in Russia.
Source: Ukraine in arabic