An Attempt of Ukrainian Donbas Annexation or Formation of Russian Enclave in Ukraine…?

Analyzing another step of the Kremlin in Ukrainian direction, besides the last “masterpiece” of the President of Russian Federation in terms of implementation of fast-track mechanism of obtaining RF citizenship of Ukrainian citizens living at temporarily occupied territories of Donbas and Lugansk regions we may without any doubts ascertain next impudent interference of RF with domestic affairs of an independent country, brutal violation of sovereignty, and inviolability of territory and independence of Ukraine.
In my opinion it is nothing but voluntary escalation of aggression against our country and pressure on Ukrainian authorities. Acting in this way the Kremlin voluntary and cynically violates international humanitarian law that bans occupational power from changing citizenship of people that live at occupied territories. Not accidental is the square refusal of Russia to support the initiative of Ukraine and OSCE so as to maintaining “Easter” truce starting from April 26, this year.
The aim of Russia is obvious – “zeroing” Minsk agreements that clearly specify its duties: to stop bombardments, taking its troops and military hardware out of the country, release of Ukrainian hostages, taking its own borders under Ukrainian control. Altogether with Minsk agreements Moscow is hoping to get rid of sanctions.Besides the illegal issue of passports by RF proves that by doing this the Kremlin is trying to realize in our state the so called South-Ossetian and Trans-Dniester excursions aimed at justifying and legitimizing Russian military presence at occupied territories of Ukrainian Donbas.
Everyone should understand perfectly well that the aforementioned act is illiquid and is aimed at disruption home policies in Ukraine after the elections. It will not change the fact that people that live at Donbas territories occupied by Russia are part of Ukrainian citizens.
The only answer to these actions of Moscow could be – further increases in defensive power of Ukraine and adequate international response to criminal wrongdoings of the Kremlin with sanitation pressure enforcement towards the counterpart country.
Independent expert A.Bohach