Ukrainian military may receive $250 mln from US

13.03.2019 - 12:49 #Ukraine, #US, #military, #help
The State Department said that the US plans to allocate $ 10 million to Ukraine because of the Russian aggression in the Sea of Azov

The official draft of the US defense budget for 2020 suggest $250 million for Ukrainian military. The State Department said that the US plans to allocate $10 million to Ukraine because of the Russian aggression in the Sea of ​​Azov.

The funds were allocated within the framework of the program "Aid Security Initiative to Ukraine", the Ukrainian Embassy in the USA reported on its Facebook page. Armed Forces and National Security Forces of Ukraine "and for the replacement of weapons and defense goods provided by the United States.

The budget request must be discussed in the US Congress, where they can make changes and additions. Compared to this year, the amount increased by $ 50 million. But the real volume of assistance to Ukraine will be known after the completion of the entire process 

Source: UNIAN

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