Poroshenko wants to establish separated anti-corruption court

Early he refused this opportunity

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has spoken out for the creation of a separate anti-corruption court, an anti-corruption chamber under the Supreme Court and the anti-corruption court's local representation, according to an UNIAN correspondent. 

"The 2018 draft budget already foresees funds for the anti-corruption court, it is also not accidental. We all need all courts in Ukraine to counter corruption. All without exception, that is why we're implementing this reform," he said while meeting lecturers and students of Taras Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Collegium" on Wednesday, October 4.

"A separate judicial anti-corruption vertical should be created with a separate anti-corruption court, an anti-corruption chamber of appeals under the Supreme Court and, as the Verkhovna Rada will decide, representatives of the anti-corruption court in the regions," the president added.

The president also says that the anti-corruption court should be formed on a competitive basis under the close supervision of Ukrainian society. "The anti-corruption court should be formed on a competitive basis under the close supervision of the Ukrainian public.

However, I believe that it is impossible for this court to turn into a political inquisition, as someone dreams. It is out of discussion," he said. Poroshenko stressed that this court should be an effective anti-corruption institution guided by the rule of law and the principles of national sovereignty. "Ukrainians themselves are capable of forming a judicial system, including the anti-corruption court," the president said. He expressed confidence that Ukraine is able to demonstrate this in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and the Council of Europe standards.

Source: UNIAN

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