In Ukraine is observing money supply grow by 5.6%

14.01.2019 - 15:55 #Ukraine, #UAH, #Increase, #Money supply
This indicator in December 2018 increased by 3.9%

To UAH 1.276 trillion ($45.1 billion) was increased Ukraine's money supply grew to 5.6% in 2018.

In particular, this indicator in December 2018 increased by 3.9%, according to the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

Meanwhile, monetary base (all central bank liabilities that can be used to ensure money supply, including cash in circulation and liabilities to credit organizations) rose by 0.8% in December 2018, while it had grown by 9.2% since the beginning of the year, to UAH 435.8 billion ($15.4 billion).

Source: UNIAN

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