Became known what ukrainians search in Internet

02.11.2019 - 11:45 #Ukraine, #Search, #Statistics, #Internet
77% of users search for information about the product they want to buy

Google has conducted a global survey of online shoppers' behavior. This study shows that Ukrainians search on Google and how often they shop online.

According to, Ukrainians most often use Google search engine to find information and recommendations.

In particular, 77% of users search for information about the product they want to buy (in-store or online);
Also, 73% of Ukrainians seek and learn information about a new brand;
72% of users search Google for news;
68% ask the search engine for any helpful recommendations;
66% of Ukrainians google the product they've seen or heard about; 

Another 65% of Internet users are trying to find the most successful option for their needs on the Internet. 

Google also found out how Ukrainians shop by smartphone. In particular, 66% bought the product online with a smartphone. And 69% of offline shoppers used a smartphone to search for product information.

Source: 24TV

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